Becoming Aware of the Signs of the Universe

Abundance No Limits
9 min readApr 25, 2020

The universe communicates with us in many kinds of ways. Unfortunately, the modern times with all its overwhelming stimuli have made many of us less receptive to these divine messages. If you are seeking spiritual guidance and you want to be in the right track, you have to pay attention so you don’t miss signs from the universe.

The universe loves you and will let you know in all sorts of ways that it is looking out for you. If you pay attention, you will become more aware of the subtle messages the Divine Guidance is trying to tell you. Here are some clues that the universe is sending you messages or signs.

Things are falling into place

This is an indicator that you are going in the right direction or are making the best decision. Opportunities show themselves. Resources arrive. People who can help you suddenly come into your reality. When people experience this, they have a strong positive momentum going on. They seem unstoppable. This is similar to the concept of being “in the zone”.

When you are going on the right track, there is no struggle. You have continuous inspiration and ideas as to what you should be doing next suddenly pop up out of nowhere. If you are at this point in your life right now, keep doing what you are doing and trust that the universe is trying to tell you that you are doing great.

Lack of inspiration or drive

The opposite of the first one is the lack of inspiration or drive. You don’t feel like doing whatever it is you are supposed to be doing. You are procrastinating and postponing details to the last minute. Although these might sound like laziness or excuses for some people these could actually be warning signs.

Our inner being has its own compass and knows our deepest desires better than anyone. If you are outwardly rebelling against something or you feel an inner struggle, it’s time to reflect and figure out if you should be doing something else instead.

An example of this is being in a career you don’t really care for or that is going against your personal beliefs and passions. There are many of us who are stuck in a job we hate because it pays the bills and bring food to the table. While sticking to the job is the practical choice, you will surely experience the same inner struggle over and over until you make the change.

This is actually the universe telling you to pursue your passions and put your energy into something that lights your fire.

Recurring incidences or patterns of experiences

Do you know the saying that a lesson is repeated until it is learned? If you have recurring experiences in your life, these could be messages or signs that the universe is teaching you a lesson. What does this feel like? It may seem that you are stuck in an infinite loop. You feel as though the same things happen over and over.

For example, you may seem to have a thing with married men. You know that getting involved with someone in a relationship is wrong yet you seem to see yourself in that situation again and again. This actually means that the universe is trying to teach you how to voluntarily let go of your tendencies and see the wrongness in the situation.

It could also mean that you are being taught about self worth — -that you deserve more. You just have to willingly make that conscious decision to change your ways.

Literal messages

Most messages or signs from the universe can be tricky to decode especially in our modern life. Also, some may even be too subtle to understand especially if you are not in tune with the vibrations of the universe. However, Divine Guidance is persistent.

For those of us who are thick and don’t do well with subtlety, you might actually see literal or physical signs. It’s really the universe trying to get your maximum attention.

A STOP sign for example, especially if you keep seeing one when you are about to go on a trip or make a big decision, might actually mean that you are being ask not to do it.

Some individuals see words like YES or NO in random places such as billboards, TV commercials, or even a statement shirt when they are about to make a decision and are asking for guidance. These outright answers should not be ignored since these are physical signs that you are being guided to the right track.

The Universe just trying to say hello

If you are new to this, you might be thinking that the Universe only sends warning signs in times of an impending disaster or when it is trying to teach a lesson or guide you to your destiny. The thing is, sometimes the Universe just wants to say hello or make itself known to you.

The Universe has lots of creative ways to communicate that you are being taken care of and if you are receptive enough, you may actually recognize a lot of these signs.

The sound of a wind chime when you are down, for example may be a sign that the universe is trying to tell you to smile and know that you are not alone.

A butterfly from out of nowhere may land on your nose or shoulder. This is a way in which the Universe tells you that you are loved and it is fond of you.

Animals are often carriers of messages and signs from the universe. A cat playing near you or looking at you intently is often believed to be a clue that the universe is trying to tell you something.

Other physical signs that the Universe wants you to acknowledge its influence in your life are random objects landing on your feet or crossing your path. Feathers and coins are often considered signs of the cosmos letting you know that it is there watching over you.

Nature and natural phenomena

Nature and natural phenomena such as thunderstorms are believed to be carriers of cosmic messages. Some people ask for evidences of the Divine and the universe responds with a blast of lightning and loud thunder.

Couples who see a rainbow when they meet believe that it is a sign that they could work well together.

Chance meetings, coincidences, and synchronicity

What oftentimes could be considered coincidences and chance meetings are actually signs from the universe. Sometimes these are subtle ways in which you are being aligned with your purpose or destiny.

There are events in our life that are sometimes hard to understand like number patterns showing up in your day to day experience to an unexpected invitation that eventually leads you to something good. These are all clues of cosmic communication and if you take time to reflect, you will come to understand what message is being sent your way.

The so called angel numbers such as 1111 that some constantly see everywhere — -digital clocks, billboards, plate numbers, phone numbers — are all subtle signs that the universe wants to be acknowledged.

How to Recognize Signs from the Universe

Because cosmic signs can be sometimes too subtle, we usually don’t get them. This makes us miss plenty of Divine Guidance that would otherwise help us live our full potential. If you want to be able to be aware when the universe is telling you something, you have to learn how to tune out the outside noise and your own mental chatter.

These tips will help you become more receptive to the signs of the universe.

Limit screen time and social media.

Spending a lot of time in front of the TV, computer, and smart phones is bad for our psyche. There is just too much stimuli provided by these gadgets, clouding our judgment, causing confusion and weakening our connection with cosmic energy.

Learn how to do without these gadgets completely at least once a week or as often as you possibly can. Aside from the fact that these things affect productivity and cause undue stress, they also take quality time away from people and things that matter.

People who limit the use of smart phones are less stressed and are less prone to depression. They are also able to do more. The less you spend time on the screen, the more you will be able pay attention to the universe’s messages.

Ask for definite signs.

If you want to make no mistake about what the universe is trying to tell you, then it might be best to communicate with the universe and request to be given signs you surely can’t ignore. Know that the universe listens and if your intention is pure, you can actually get clear signals and answers regarding anything. All you need to do is pay attention.

So how do you communicate with the cosmos? Talk to it as if it’s your long time friend. You can say, “Dear Universe, I want to know if I am doing the right thing. Can you send me a clear cut sign?” Trust the process and let Divine Guidance show you the answer.

Slow down.

We live in a very fast paced world where everything is as quick as a click. Days are often busy, with rarely a time to unwind and self-reflect. The realities of the daily grind can make us miss many signs from the universe.

Every day one must fine the time to unwind and slow down. Life is not a race. Eventually you will come to realize that the best things in life are not the ones measure by the number of likes or how popular it is. Slow down, take some time alone, and have plenty of quiet time so you can better pay attention to what the universe is telling you.

Take some time with nature.

Enjoying the beauty of nature is very soothing and can help one de-stress and forget about their worries. If you want to effectively pay more attention to universal signs, going on a hike, taking low nature walks and just being out in the vast outdoors can definitely do wonders.

Make it a commitment to enjoy nature for at least half an hour daily. You can sit on a bench and just admire the beauty all around you. Before you know it, the universe will be sending you messages and signs in all sorts of ways.

Don’t ignore repetitive incidences.

People can be quiet stubborn at times and usually shrug off recurring events as mere coincidences. When you are experiencing something over and over or are seeing something on a regular basis, it might be an urgent call from the universe. Remember that the universe may use more hardcore ways to get your attention if you ignore its repeated calls.

Acknowledge the universe when you see signs.

Remember that communication is a two-way street and if you want to be in touch with the cosmos on a regular basis, you need to respond to its call. When you see something that you know for sure is a sign from the universe, take time to acknowledge that you have seen it and continue to ask for more guidance.

Find ways to relax.

When your mind is overwhelmed and exhausted, it can be pretty hard to function. It is even harder to decode messages and recognize signs.

Aromatherapy is known to help people de-stress with the use of essential oils. Lavender, chamomile, and vanilla are great for relaxation and removing anxiety. Maybe you can incorporate these scents to your massage oils and bath products to help soothe worries away.

You can also have regular quality alone time. Embracing solitude and getting a good dose of peace and quiet calms the mind and resets your thoughts, allowing you to pay more attention if there are cosmic signs being sent your way.

Music also helps people feel more relaxed. Find a genre that you like and create a playlist so you can enjoy some sounds whenever you feel like it.

Trust the Universe.

Anxiety whenever making a decision or dealing with a life challenge will make it harder for you to decipher if the universe is telling you something. Know that the cosmic energy is infinite and is looking out for you. All you need to do is acknowledge its presence and allow it to send you messages by trusting that it will always deliver in time.

The signs from the universe are everywhere. If you allow your mind to be receptive and engage your senses, you will never miss the love and abundance given your way.

